A Message From Puan Nooraini Mohd. Yasin, Chairman of Sri Ara Schools
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school.
At Sri Ara Schools we believe that every child is a unique individual with the potential to become a leader and that it takes a community to develop each child. We also believe that every child will develop at his or her own pace and that at Sri Ara Schools, we provide a conducive environment for the holistic development of each child. We take pride in our happy and homely atmosphere, where we advocate the importance of social skills, friendship, respect, trust and good values. We take pride in providing an environment where students are happy and achieve their individual best.
Our low student to teacher ratio provides us with the ability to know each and every child, their strengths and also weaknesses.
The school was established 10 years ago rising from the ashes of the previous school of almost 10 years that was known as the Tun Dr Ismail International School, so our core group of dedicated staff and experienced teachers have been with the school for many years.
Over the past 13 years our results have excelled and we have achieved a track record of 95% to 100% pass rates for the IGCSEs with numerous A and A*s both under then Cambridge International Examinations and the National Curriculum. This stands as testimony to the excellent teachers we have and the standards we maintain.
A further plus point is that the students who have come from all over the world and did not speak a word of English were brought up to a level of English ability such that they were promoted 2 levels up when they returned to international schools in other parts of the world. Many of our students have gone on to renowned institutes of higher learning and prestigious universities all over the world and are now leaders in their chosen fields.
Our emphasis, however, is not just academic prowess of which we are certainly most proud of, it is also of the type of child that develops into a young adult having gone through the school. I have always received feedback on the exemplary behaviour of our students and of their impeccable manners, attitude, confidence, creative abilities and of the innate care and concern for they have for each other that stretches beyond their individual levels.
It is these soft skills that are important for the generation of the future and this is what I am most proud of in our students. This I know is not found anywhere else.
We encourage our students to be adventurous too. Having ventured into the jungles of Taman Negara, explored Endau Rompin, climbed Gunung Ledang and delved into the caves of Gua Tempurung, Perak, Sri Ara students have proven that learning is not only confined to the 4 walls of a classroom. I am so very proud of them.
It is a well-known fact that just because one can do well in academics, this does not mean that one can succeed in life. It takes something called grit as evident in the research done by Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth, a renowned professor of psychology. It is this grit factor that ultimately leads to success and achievement. And this is what we at Sri Ara Schools are proud to say we have carefully weaved into what makes the essence of character of many of the students who have gone through our corridors.
Compassion and care are also core strengths of Sri Ara students who have actively raised funds for tsunami victims, donated items for the Children’s Surgical and Cancer wards in the hospital, gone on clean-up campaigns and have always offered themselves for community service projects wherever needed in Johor.
I have seen with my own eyes over the years many students develop the confidence in themselves to stand up and speak fluently with composure in front of a crowd of people whom they do not know. It is this “fearlessness” and “grit” that I am proud to say we encourage and inspire in our students.
Besides this, nurturing creativity, developing good social skills, and inculcating a strong sense of empathy with community spirit are requirements nowadays in becoming a global citizen.
This is what I can sincerely and proudly assure you, Sri Ara Schools does for its students.
Start your learning journey with
Sri Ara Schools British International & Private School.
We look forward to work on a brighter future for your child.